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Be The One

"If it is to be it's up to me."

This quote is attributed to several people and it is the title of a book with several books having a very similar name.

The challenge today and everyday is to be the person that needs to be the difference maker.

How many times have you heard" It's not my job" or "someone else can take care of that"? Just like the opening quote above there are many versions of these statements as well.

Here's the reality. The change that you want, the vision that you see and the leadership that you feel is needed starts with you. Let's be real here too. If you see a leadership need it should end with you as well.

The situation in front of you, the one you are looking at right now needs you. It's time for you to be the one to make the difference.

Made For This Moment is a collection of writings for living day to day on the journey that we are all on. Todd Gordon is the Director of Activities at Greene County Community Schools in Jefferson, IA. He has been in education for 36 years serving as a teacher, coach, and an administrator.

He has been married to his wife Deb for over 37 years and they have three married children and five grandchildren.

Todd wants to help you on your journey any way that he can because he believes that we are all better when we go through life together and with teammates.

You find him on Twitter and Instagram at @toddagordon.

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